Oblique Fields Factory Records is a record company, and an unusual one
in that it’s a Net label that creates and distributes music and fine
arts independently.
Oblique Fields Factory Records is located in Sicily so our catalogue
has different kinds of music: from ambient and electronic to
traditional Sicilian songs, and from classic Italian songs to pop.
Generally we produce single projects (final S in the release code) as
we don’t have the power of a major label – nor their commercial
politics –but only a great passion and love for music and the arts.
Most of the projects evolve over time and material is released
progressively, so you won’t usually find the same project or album on
the site (final A in the release code), a lot of the songs come were
created or published at different times.
One specialty is publish the works created by their authors under
nicknames and pseudonyms that conceal the authors but not their rights.